Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Birthing New LIfe

"Beholding his glory is only half our job.  In our souls too the mysteries must be brought forth; we are not really Christians till that has been done."The eternal birth," says Eckhart, "must take place in you."  And another mystic says human nature is like a stable inhabited by the ox of passion and the ass of prejudice; animals which take up a lot of room and which I suppose most of us are feeding on the quiet.  And it is there between them, pushing them out, that Christ must be born and in their  very manger he must be laid-and they will be the first to fall on their knees before him.  Sometimes Christians seem far nearer to those animals than to Christ in his simple poverty, self-abandoned to God."    Evelyn Underhill

The birth of this divine presence must take place in us.  How does that happen?  Have we been aware of it happening in the past?  How is it happening today?

  Birthing is a messy, loud, disruptive process.  Women that have given birth will tell you that it has changed their lives.  Not just because of the child that came into the world, but also because of the transformation that takes place in their bodies.  A woman can prepare for delivery, take classes, learn to breath, bring the right music and choose a picture that can help focus in times of transition.  Many of these tools work at different times.  Sometimes I think the primary function of this preparation is to give us something to do, some action we will be able to take, that we will have some control.  Ah, but when the time comes, how much control do we really have?

 New life comes into the world on most occasions after being pushed through a very small space.  At random times thunder shudders through the body and movement is the only remedy.  Push, use every bit of strength that you didn't even know you had to move life.

  Imagine being in the safest, warmest, most comfortable place possible.  Imagine being all curled up, warm water surrounds you, all your needs are met without any thought or action needed on your part.  Imagine coming into this world.  The light is bright, the air is cold, and everything is so loud.

  New life comes to us when we are stripped of all our defenses, of all the ways we protect ourselves.  God calls us to grow and move though out all the days of our lives.  We are called to live in this very bright, loud and busy world.  The good news is that our eyes become accustomed to the light, our ears adapt to the noise and we become part of the world we come into.  But perhaps we forget that we are able to change and grow?  Maybe we forget that with each new challenge God calls us to, we are not alone.

  New life is a messy, loud and very disruptive process.  Kicking and screaming are intricate parts of new life.  Giving up control happens one way or the other.

 How is it that we are resisting the new life that God is wanting to birth in us?  How are we trying to hold on to the warm safe place that we live. Even if that warmth and safety are the result of knowing and familiarity.

  "Father, we give you thanks for these heavenly gifts.  Kindle us with the fire of your spirit that when Christ coms again we may shine as light before his face; who is alive and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God now and forever.  Amen. "  Book of Common Prayer, Church of Ireland, pg. 243

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