Thursday, February 21, 2013

"God of Life, happy are all who trust in you!"

Yesterday was a day of twists and turns, a day of surprises and unexpected moments of grace.  I had done some work in the office, spent time at a meeting and then decided I needed to go to Staples for a desk light.  Before I go on, let me be clear, I did not need to go to Staples and I found out I didn't need a desk light.  In retrospect, I wanted to take a drive with the dog and listen to my book in the car.  Relax and free my brain up a bit.

I am here to tell you that the Staples in Rochester no longer carries desk lights.  Who knew?  That seemed like a no brainer to me.  But as each day goes by and I become a day older, I come to know more deeply that what I consider obvious to me is often not reality for others.  What I did come to believe that I was meant to run into a young man that works there.  In my disbelief that there were no desk lights I asked for assistance.

As we began to look throughout the store for these lights he began to tell me his story.  He sells baseball cards and he too needs a light on his desk.  Actually, he is legally blind and is 5 or 6 years free of a brain tumor.  With a big smile and exuding joy, he looked up at me and said, "you wouldn't have guessed, huh? "

Before you picture me being drawn into this story with interest or enthusiasm, let me set you straight.  Sometimes with God's help I am able to act in a loving and appropriate way, when inside my head, I am thinking, " Hello, I'm glad your happy and well, but I just want my light and really don't want to hear another story today."  We continued to walk and it had already become clear that there were no lights in the store.  I thanked him very much for his help and thanked him for sharing his story and wished him a great day.  I turned to the right and began looking at something else.

Approaching on my left is my new friend.  He stopped and began the story in full detail, beginning in 2007.  I am now thinking, this man is full of joy, he is telling me his story of grace and healing, I am supposed to be hearing this story.  Listen, be still, honor the story.  Telling on myself again, while I am thinking these things I am also thinking, I just wanted to come in and shop, by myself, looking at whatever I want, taking as long as I want.  My new friend looks at me with joy and gratitude and says, " I believe in having a good attitude and being kind, life is very short and I am grateful.  If you ever think telling my story could help anyone, go for it.  That's what I do."

God's unrelenting love for me is the very place that I find hope and solace.  Even on the days when I am not wanting to hear it.  Even on the days when I think my "God" time would never be in Staples, I am surprised.

Later in the afternoon, I was surprised by another work related issue.  One of the sayings that many of us have heard is, "If you want to make God laugh, tell God your plans.".  I learned years ago to pray for God's will to be done, not mine.  The task of course is to step back, be present in our lives and look for God in the most unexpected places.  Yesterday, God told me a story of hope, healing and joy in Staples, in Rochester, NH. Yesterday, God showed me how we can "do" church in the world in ways that surprise and startle others.  Even those of us that profess to be faithful.

During this period of Lent I continue to pray for God's help and guidance in my life.  I am working on being present in my body, by eating well, most of the time, by picking up the piano again and by doing some piece of art on a regular basis.  The above is a piece I did this morning.  It is a method called Zentangling.  It is a form of doodling and meditation.  I find it very soothing and centering.  I will put the website in the resourse section to the right.

Below is an interpretation of Psalm 84, written by Joan Chittister.  I read this before I began to draw and after I finished.  I offer it to you on this day.

Psalm 84
How lovely is your dwelling place, God of Life.
I am longing and yearning, yearning for your presence.
My whole being cries out to you; to you, the living God.
Even the sparrows find a home
and the swallows, a nest for their young
As for me, I search for you,
God of Life, Eternal One.
All who dwell in your presence forever sing your praise.
The hearts of all whose strength is in you
are set on Zion’s path.
As they make their way through the valley of bitterness,
They make it a place of running springs.
The early autumn rains cloth it with blessings,
they walk with ever growing strength.
They will see you, God of Zion;
God of life, hear my prayer; listen, God of Israel.
Turn to us, God, our refuge;
look on the face of your anointed.
One day within your house
is better than a thousand without you.
The threshold of your house
I prefer to the dwellings of the wicked.
You are our source of strength.
You give us your favor and glory.
You will not refuse any good
to all who walk in sincerity.
God of Life, happy are all who trust in you!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Birthing something new

"Be not lax in celebrating. 
Be not lazy in the festive service of God. 
Be ablaze with enthusiasm.
Let us be alive, burning offering before the altar of God. "
     Hildegard of Bingen

The wind is howling outside, the windows shake and the tress bend back and forth.  On this cold February day I find myself blessed with a warm home, shelter from the storm and the wisdom of God's love in my heart. 

Lent 1 is upon us and I find myself leaning into the idea that God is birthing something new.  This is not just in my own life, but in the life of the church and those seeking to be in relationship with God.  More and more we are talking about how we are able to bring the gifts and blessings that many of us find in church out into the world.  

I have often found myself believing that I needed to temper my enthusiasm for God, temper my joy and passion for the love, hope and life that I know to be present on the path of faith.  Each of us are created to be exactly the person God needs us to be.  We are created in the image of love, compassion and hope.  We are created extroverts, introverts, we are created as artists, musicians, we are created and called to justice, peace and the well being of the world, the environment, the other.  But, most of all we are created to be the living reminder that God is alive and present in the world around us.  

In the book, A Season for the Spirit" Martin Smith writes:

"If it is the Spirit of Jesus within us we will be able to recognize two movements: 
  1. We will experience the Father moving to embrace us; 'you are my beloved Son, you are my beloved daughter.  
  2. We will be impelled to embrace the suffering world in compassion.  The Spirit of Jesus moves us as it moved him, to identify ourselves with a broken world and to bring it within the reconciling embrace of God.   Intimacy with God, identification with the fallen creatures of God, always both.  "  

We gather in communities of faith to share the sacred story and be reminded how we are called to enter into it yet again, on this day, in this time.  We also gather to take Jesus in, to receive the grace and healing that we are called to take out to the world.  This cannot be possible or remain relevant if we spend more time trying to preserve a structure than remembering what brings us there in the first place.  

"Most of us have a primary defense mechanism against being overwhelmed by the pain of the world and our own pain.  The price we pay is that it also numbs our capacity for joy, but until we surrender to the spirit of God we reckon the price is worth it.  The strongest sign of the Spirit working within us is simply that the anesthetic  begins to wear off. "  Martin Smith

Loving God with our whole hearts, minds and souls is a powerful and very disruptive thing to do.  Often we love the prayers of peace and comfort, they are true and wonderful.  But with that peace and comfort comes the knowledge that we are not alone, we are called to be there for each other.  Our fear and insecurity causes us to want to hold on to what we have, to ward off anything that feels different or new.  And yet, life, death and resurrection is the core of the story we live. 

God is always causing new life to be brought forth.  God yearns for the excitement and vibrant energy that comes with new beginnings.  God also knows deeply the grief of loss.  God knows of our fear that new life will not come, or that it will be scary and uncomfortable.  God knows that to have faith we must walk through the unknowing.  God knows your fear and is there.  

As we enter this new day, with the wind blowing around us, let us wonder what God is stirring up in us this day.  You are God's Beloved Child.  The Good news is for all of us, everywhere, in every corner of the world, those known and unknown.  How is the Spirit working in you on this day?  

" Spirit who filled Jesus, no wonder I shy away from the mystery of your indwelling!  The moment I consent to your living and moving in me, and trust you, the numbness I have relied on to get through life begins to wear off.  Give me the faith to be vulnerable to the joy the Father has in me through my union with Jesus the Beloved.  Give me the courage to share the pain of the world which is so far from it's home and centre, the Living God.  Amen

From; "A Season for the  Spirit" , Martin Smith