Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Be surprised!!

"What matters in the deeper experience of contemplation is not the doing and accomplishing.  What matters is relationship."  Loretta Ross-Gotta

Today had been one of those days where each thing that I have tried to complete has required so many more steps than are really needed.  Each thing I thought might be quickly accomplished either required information I didn't have, couldn't find or required making phone calls.

Many times in my life it has been these days that have eventually turned into a day of complete lack of productivity.  This is due to my eventual giving up and being worn down by my own struggle and frustration.  This struggle and frustration is almost always with myself.  Why aren't I more organized?  Why didn't I keep that piece of paper?  What are your questions?  I am praying that you have some also.

Advent is a time of reflection and renewal.  It provides us with a time of intentional prayer and discernment.  One of the books that I am using this Advent is:  "Watch For the Light,  Readings for Advent and Christmas."  It is a collection put together for each day.  Today's reading is:  "To Be a Virgin" by Loretta Ross Gotta.

After running around my space, looking everywhere for a prayer that I wanted to include today, I kept thinking, let it go, let it go.  I eventually stopped and sat down with my prayerbook and this advent reflection book and began to breath.  One of the first things I was reminded of was the above quote. 

 "What matters in the deeper experience of contemplation is not the doing and accomplishing. What matters is relationship."  

Mary was a young woman, some would argue girl.  Many believe she was around the age of 16.  When the angel asked if she would carry Jesus, God incarnate, she said yes.  Really in the scheme of things she asked very few questions.

"It may be good and well for Mary to offer space in herself for God to dwell and be born into the world, but few of us possess the radical belief such recollection requires."

How is it that we create space for God to be born again in our lives?  Where is the fertile ground for which something to grow?  We do this not by doing all the right things, not by trying to be something we aren't.  We do this by believing and loving the spirit that lies with each of us, that is growing each breath we take.  

"The redemption of the creation is resting on the consent-the choice of this mortal woman to believe fearlessly that what she is experiencing is true.  And to claim and live out that truth by conceiving the fruit of salvation."  

Claiming and living out our truth is a central tenant to our faith.  We are called to be the instruments of God's love and word in the world around us.  We are called to speak the truth even when that feels hard.  We are called to live into the love and passion that Jesus came to teach us.  It is through that very love and passion that we are called to love others.  We must love ourselves as we would love those around us.  

"We think we have to make Christmas come, which is to say we think we have to bring about the redemption of the universe on our own.  When all God needs is a willing womb, a place of safety, nourishment, and love."  

Each year as I pray with and about Mary I am in awe of her offering, her willingness to say Yes!  Yet again, in my hustle and bustle of needing to get things done, it has been in the stopping that I am really only able to say Yes.  It is really only with the reminder that God continues to move and grow in each of us.  When we can breath, give thanks and let go, God has a far more open door.  

"In the end, when all other human gifts have met their inevitable limitation, it is the recollected one, the bold virgin with a heart in love with God who makes a sanctuary of her life, who delivers Christ who then delivers us."  

Years ago, a man far older and wiser than I used to ask me the same questions each time God needed him to.  Do you have all you need today?  My answer, regardless of how hard I thought my life was, was always yes.  Then he would tell me to start my day over again. My day has begun again.  How is it that we can made sanctuaries of our lives?  How is it that we can say Yes, to the lives God is calling us to live? How can we remember the things that are most important? 

On this December day, let us remember all those that mean so much to us.  Let us give thanks for the many blessings we have.  God continues to call us out of our comfort zone but we are not alone.  
Loretta Ross-Gotta ended her reflection with the following statement.  I offer it to you as we all go out to the world in a new way.  Be surprised!!!

" What if, instead of doing something, we were to be something special?  Be a womb.  Be a dwelling for God. Be surprised." 

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