Thursday, March 25, 2010


Then Mary said, "Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word." Then the angel departed from her.  Luke 1:38

In the Episcopal Church there are readings for each day, we call it the Daily Office.  Today is the Day we think and reflect on the Annunciation. One of the tools I like to use for daily prayer, especially if I find myself very busy in the morning is to look at the reading from a booklet called "Day by Day."  Forward Movement is an official, non-profit agency of The Episcopal Church. Since 1935 they have published the quarterly devotional Forward Day by Day, as well as pamphlets, booklets, and books to encourage and nourish people in their lives of prayer and faith. Their mission is to reinvigorate the Episcopal Church day by day.  We are lucky enough to have them free for all in the Narthex of our church.  The Daughters of the King provide them for us as a form of prayerful support. 

"Here am I servant of the Lord, do with me according to your word."

This morning I am reading the reflection on this and wondering what it must have been like for Mary.  What must it have been like for a young girl, possibly around the age of 16.  We know that the world was a very different place, women were not held in high regard and one's faith could be a dangerous thing.  We also know that she and Joseph were engaged, but not married, and surely were not supposed to have been intimate.  This whole story is scandalous.  

Yet, today we are reminded of a young woman that is visited by the angel Gabriel, he tells her not be afraid.  Hello, an angel is visiting you, it is written in a way that we are to believe she saw the angel.  In scripture each time an angel appears they ask us to not be afraid.  I don't know about you, but I would be afraid from the very beginning of this experience. 

Fear is one of those things that is very different for all of us.  I do not consider myself a person that is consumed by fear, or even aware of it a lot.  But I do know that when I am looking at doing something new, when I am being called out of my comfort zone, I am afraid.  We are given this feeling as a way to know to be cautious.  As we travel this journey of faith, one of the most important elements of that for me is the growing knowledge of who I am and how I can best serve the world around me.  It is always a big mistake to believe I can do or be something that I"m not.  I also think I have a better sense of that at the age I am today, as opposed to when I was 16.  

God calls each of us in different ways, at different times, and with varied people.  We are each visited by angels in our midst.  I am grateful that for me at this point they come in the form of a warm and loving parishioner, a colleague that knows me well enough to give me something to think about, a friend that reminds me of what's really important or my children, who never let me forget the core of who I am.  

In my minds eye, I see Mary sitting there, hearing the words of Gabriel and taking a deep breath.  You will be with child, the child will be the son of God.  Your life as you know it has changed.  Don't worry, people won't understand, they will think shameful things of you and Joseph, but don't worry.  You will travel many miles, it will be a long and treacherous road.  When you reach your destination there will be no room for you to stay and you will give birth in a barn.  But, please, don't be afraid.  

Mary looks up with confidence and grace.  She looks up with the naivete of 16 years of life and says, ok!  Here I am, I am here to do your will.  Help me be the instrument that you most need me to be. 

Today I am reminded of how important faith is in my life.  What a wonderful and amazing story, and yet, what would I have done?  We are each called to be the people God needs us to be.  God knows who we are and how we live.  As I look back over my life, I can see times and places where I had a strong sense of where and what God was calling me to do , what God's will not mine would be.  There are times, when my response was Thanks, but........  The good news is that I can also look over the past and see many times when I could hear and see God's will for me. I was able with God's help, the support of people and the  life that was forming around me, to live out God's will, not mine.  For me this is a daily prayer, one that I am able to do more effectively on some days than others.  But today I am reminded that when I am able to let go and trust  God, my life will have the meaning and purpose I crave. 

This is the collect for March 25.  Let us remember Mary today, Let us give thanks for her life and sacrifice.  Let us use her faith as an example of who we can be today.  

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