Monday, May 7, 2012

Can you appreciate the ride?

The sun is out and the birds are singing up a storm.  The dog and I just got back from a wonderful walk in the woods.  Everything was alive and green, the water was running over rocks and branches that have fallen into the stream during the winter.  I find myself wondering how many colors of green there actually are.  I am sure that I could google it, and that someone out there has made a study of this.  For today, I don't want to know the number.  For today I want the magic and mystery of many shades of green to linger in their homes.  
Recently I have found myself talking to people that are feeling very stressed and wanting to go on vacation.  People that know that they need to slow down their minds and relax and yet, don't know how.  During these conversations I have found myself laughing at myself and also reflecting on how hard we work on relaxing.  Why is it that our brains work so fast?  How is it that we have adopted the belief that we are never "done"?  So many believe that if and when a project is completed, it is still then not good enough.  Of course the irony of this is that with all our technology and techniques to "Getting Things Done," a great book by David Allen, we do far less than our ancestors.  
As a society we have created tools that we can use to relax.  Sometimes all this does is make us feel like if we don't use the tool correctly we will not relax and then the task is not complete.  There are two different kinds of people that are going to read this.  Some of you are going to be shaking your heads in identification and hopefully some laughing at ourselves.  Others may be shaking your heads with  wonder and concern for the rest of us.  Both of these make me smile, as there are times when I find myself in both camps.  
We are a people that has more opportunity and blessing that ever before.  With this comes choice and opportunity.  When I find myself in times of racing from task to task, times of feeling like that gerbil on the wheel, I know that I must step back.  It is at those times that even though for the most part my intentions are good, my belief is that I am doing or being what I am supposed to, I am really taking myself too seriously.  It is at those times that somewhere along the line I have taken on God's job and jumped right in the drivers seat!!  
Those that have heard me preach know that I believe without a shadow of a doubt God has a tremendous sense of humor.  With that comes compassion and a tremendous capacity for forgiveness.  Much like a mother with her children.  In my minds eye I can imagine a smiling, loving God letting me go ahead and drive for a while.  Maybe at times having a Dr. Phil moment and asking, "How's that working for you?"  But even in those times, there is a loving and knowing smile.  
When this awareness rises to the top and I am able to stop and slow down I can hear:
 "Be still, and know that I am God,"  Psalm 46:10.  There are times when I hear these words in my head that I have a physical reaction.  My shoulders release, I take a full breath and release it, my muscles that I had no idea were holding on tight, relax.  
"Be still and know that I am God"  
God is found in those times when we are present to the moment.  When we are in conversation with someone that we care about, when we are meeting someone new and are encountering their story.  God is present when we are opening our hearts, minds and spirit to the world around us.  We cannot do that when we are racing around, even if it is in the name of God, or for the betterment of the world.  
What are the ways and places that you relax?  How can you find times of peace and joy?  Take some time today to be still, to take a deep breath, to let God be God.  
Gracious God, Thank you for all the blessings of this life.  Thank you for food, clothing and shelter.  Thank you for our loved ones, known and unknown. Help us to be ever mindful of those less fortunate.   Please help us be present in this day with open hearts and open minds so that we can go forth into the world able to be the instruments you most need us to be.  
Gracious God, help us appreciate the ride(:  Amen

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