Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Why are we watching?

Advent is a time of preparation and wonder.  Recently I have been aware of how much I really love Advent.  Why?  What is so different about our lives, our circumstances this day?  During prayer and writing it came to me that Hope is central to the journey to the manger.  Hope in new life, new paths, new beginnings. 

Could we be watching with the hope that we will be found?  One of the significant differences between Advent and Lent is the difference between honest self appraisal and preparation of the self.  Let me explain.  Lent is a time where we know that like everyone else we have parts of who we are that block our way from being in right relationship with God.  In Christian language, our sins stand in the way of our being the authentic light and love that God so calls us to be.  Throughout the year we ask for God's forgiveness as we prepare for Eucharist.  Advent is a time when we prepare for and make room for new life.  We are again reminded of how it is truly with God that we live our lives with joy and purpose.  Advent is the time when we prepare for the sacred presence of God living within and around us. 

Within each of these seasons comes a very intentional message of hope that we are not alone.  We are on this road of life with a divine source that continues to want more of us than we can imagine.  But Advent allows us to know that it is never to late.  God is always ready and longing to be with us, ready and longing to bring new life and joy through us into the world. 

We are watching so that we can be found. We are watching because we never really know when or how Christ will be born into our lives. 

I have added a list of special Advent resources on the right hand side of this site.  Please explore any and all of them.  Most of all I encourage us to spend time in prayer and reflection.  Some may do this in the traditional way, others may choose to do it while running, walking, painting or playing your favorite instrument.  How are you making room for the presence of the divine in your life? 

I look forward to hearing from any of you about disciplines or practices that you are using.  Do you have memories of years past and the new births that you can see and remember in retrospect? 

I end this post with a prayer written by Michelle Thomas-Bush.  She is today's writer of the "Following the Star" advent meditations.  I encourage you to visit, the music and images are beautiful, as is the reflection. 

"Let us begin Advent, waiting.

Not the “going back to sleep” kind of waiting.

Not the impatient pacing, or the wasted anxiety of waiting.

Not even the passive-aggressive waiting that says, “Really? We’ll see.”

Let us begin Advent, waiting.

Getting up and joining the adventure,

Even when we don’t know where it will take us.

Shifting the impatient waiting to expectant living.

Boldly claiming the Good News that we know will come.

Waiting with joy as we reach out with the grace of God that is so much more than amazing.

Let us begin Advent."

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