Thursday, October 24, 2013


Baptism is one of those aspects of our faith that we don't talk enough about as adults.  We may if we have children or grandchildren that we want to be sure are welcomed into the family of Christ.  We also may not even have that concept, we may just want them "done", because we have been told it's important.

The Baptismal Covenant has always been a central tenant to my theology.  There are concepts in it that I can not completely explain.  But I know that it is a foundation to the faith tradition that I have claimed as my own.  With each question the response reminds us that we can only live into this path with God's help.  With each response there is no question that we will falter, but that when we do, if we turn to God, help will be there.

Recently I came upon a prayer that could be used with the Baptismal covenant.  It was written by Reginald Hollis,  It is encouraged to be shared if acknowledgment to the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer is given.  I share it with you today as a way to reflect on how our Baptism whether as a child or as an adult, calls us to discipleship.  Take time to reflect on the questions and wonder........ where is calling you today?

Praying the Baptismal Covenant

Do you believe in God the Father, in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and in God the Holy Spirit? 

Our God, 
it’s one thing to say the creed
but another to put my trust in you.  
Help me to live with the assurance that you are my Father
and that nothing can separate me from your love,
trusting in your forgiveness expressed in Jesus
and looking to your Spirit to make me your person. 

Will you continue in the apostles’ teaching and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in the prayers? 

Our God, I know I was not meant to go it alone
because you created the church
to be a supportive family for your children. 
And I know the church is made up of people like me
--so it isn’t perfect!
Help me to play my part in the church, 
so I can learn from the teaching,
be encouraged by the fellowship,
be renewed in the Eucharist,
and find strength for living each day through prayer.

Will you persevere in resisting evil, and, whenever you fall into sin, repent and return to the Lord? 

Our God, 
You understand that sometimes 
I do things I never intended to do. 
My sorrow doesn’t put it all right. 
Neither can I use y weakness as an excuse. 
Help me
to begin anew, 
to experience your forgiveness
and to walk again in Jesus’ way. 

Will you proclaim by word and example the Good news of God in Christ? 

Our God 
help me to live the way jesus called me to live. 
may my actions speak louder than my words
of your love and of new life in Jesus. 
At the same time, help me rise above my own stumbling speech
and give me the words to express what I believe.
Let me be a witness to the Truth. 

Will you seek and serve Christ in all persons, loving your neighbor as yourself? 

Our God, 
all too often I have looked at people 
in a very superficial way. 
Help me begin to see them with your eyes,
knowing that every person is created 
in your image, 
as your child. 
If jesus died for that person,
how can I despise him? 
Give me a new love that reaches out to everyone
because Jesus died for all.  

Will you strive for justice and peace among all people, and respect the dignity of every human being? 

Our God, 
I don’t want my attitudes to be shaped
by the injustices that mar society, 
by the discrimination, greed, and lust 
that spoil relationships. 
In Jesus
color does not count,
wealth carries no weight,
and gender is not important. 
Help me to live in Jesus,
to see people through his eyes,
and work for the harmony
that reflects your kingdom. 

*Praying the Baptismal Covenant” by Reginald Hollis c. 1993,  
may be reproduced with acknowledgment to the Anglican Fellowship of Prayer.  

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Passing of a Season

Yesterday I was walking my dog on his favorite trail not far from our home.  The air was crisp and the leaves covered the trail.  For some the color has already left and for others the bright red and orange still    
jumped out to capture my attention. 

As I was walking along, my eye first went to this beautiful red leaf laying on the log.  One of the forms of prayer that I love, and don't do enough, is walking in nature without listening to technology.  No earbuds this day, just the sound and sights of the present moment.  On this day, that was my practice.  As I looked down, I saw this beautiful leaf, full of color, and yet it had fallen from the tree and was sitting majestically on this worn log.  Around it was a large bed of soft pine needles, along with other leaves in varying stages of change.  

One of the blessings of this practice, is the quieting of the mind.  With that comes the opportunity to see and know the world in a new way.  The season of fall is here and passing.  Letting go of the bright color, the brisk air and the season past.  Yet, this image gave me comfort to know that when we let go, it is only then that we can truly be held and know the loving embrace of God.  

Then as I looked up I saw this lone leaf hanging onto the branch, or is it resting, you decide.  I glanced up and began to walk away.  Because I was present, I was able to listen, and notice my thoughts.  Why was I so quickly moving away?  The lone leaf, nesting in the tree was drawing me, but I didn't want to look.  God is a loving and persistent guide.  I went back, looked up and knew that this, felt like a picture of that in between place, that place of having let go, while not quite sure how the landing is going to go.

We are blessed with the change of seasons here in New England.  It is a great opportunity to use these changes as an opportunity to reflect on our own lives.  Where are we growing and changing?  Where can we let go?  Where have we landed when we have let go in the past?

One of my favorite collects from the Book of Common Prayer comes from the Good Friday Liturgy; 

O God of unchangeable power and eternal light: Look
favorably on your whole Church, that wonderful and sacred 
mystery; by the effectual working of your providence, carry
out in tranquility the plan of salvation; let the whole world 
see and know that things which were cast down are being
raised up, and things which had grown old are being made
new, and that all things are being brought to their perfection
by him through whom all things were made, your Son Jesus
Christ our Lord; who lives and reigns with you, in the unity
of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen

I hope we can all enjoy these days of fall, but know that with the closing in of winter comes the preparation for new light and life.