Friday, March 11, 2011

Lent. The Presence of God.

The Presence of God

Bless all who worship you, Almighty God,
from the rising of the sun to its setting:
from your goodness enrich us,
by your Spirit guide us,
by your power protect us,
in your mercy receive us,
now and always. 

This is a prayer from the website:   The Irish Jesuits

Lent is a time in the Christian year that takes us from the end of winter, through the thaw and mud, through the puddles and fog, into the longer days of spring.  Lent is the time that we remember the 40 days Jesus spent in the desert without food.  We are called to remember that Jesus went through suffering to make him stronger and more trusting in God.  Each of us have times of suffering that we carry.  I do not believe that God wants us to suffer, but given our lives, most of us do.  How is it that during those times of trial and pain that we turn to God?  How have we come to trust that God is there of us?  How are we stronger because of our faith? 

Each year many of us think of different disciplines that we can do during this time to bring us closer to God.  The aim is to reorient ourselves yet again.  By that I mean we are human, with that comes the tendency to forget that God is central to our lives and the world we share. 

So many of us are able to go about our lives without really being present.  We can pray, attend worship, perhaps even serving others in different ways, but when does it become rote?  When are we on automatic pilot?  Lent is the time that we are invited to turn and remember.  Remember who it is that calls us back to the love that is central to our faith, and whose we are, the God that created each of us, and loves us beyond our wildest imaginings. 

This year I find myself needing to pull myself into the present.  How is it that I can be present to God, to those around me and ultimately myself if my mind and heart are always spinning.  

The Presence of God:

As I sit here with my book, God is here.
Around me, in my sensations, in my thoughts
and deep within me.
I pause for a moment, and become aware
of God's life-giving presence.

Let us all think of ways that we can spend time with God this day.  Perhaps writing, painting, photography, or yoga.  God longs for us to slow down, take a deep breath, let a warm smile take place on your face, or just relax all those muscles that you didn't even know were tense. 

What happened to you today as you turned toward God?  What was your experience?  Welcome to the journey.  God is so good.