Friday, February 19, 2010

Walking the Ice covered Path.

" Above all, do not lose your desire to walk: Everyday I walk myself into a state of well-being and walk away from illness. I have walked myself into my best thoughts."
Soren Kierkegard

Technology is always an interesting adventure. I just managed to delete an almost completed post. Apparently it was not what I was supposed to say, but that's not how it felt. But I will say that I am grateful that I even know where to begin . Today I know that the journey is one that calls for perseverance and time.

Today the sun is out and the air is crisp. It is a beautiful New Hampshire day in February. 2 of the last 3 days I have taken my camera and used it to help me slow down, to help me really see the world that is around me. Today I wanted to take a walk. In recent months, I would not have done this for a multitude of reasons. I did not have time, I was going to be uncomfortable, I was not going to go far enough, it would then not be worth it, I should really go "work out". Each time the excuse is couched in not being enough, not being worthwhile, not important.

So today I was walked. Today it was important. This path is in Wolfeboro, NH. I found myself asking the question over and over in my head, What is it like to walk the frozen road? The path is frozen with many different footprints, many sizes, shapes and creatures. The path is not smooth or easy to navigate. I am glad that I have a warm coat, gloves and hat. The right shoes were boots that kept my feet warm and dry. The camera was tucked safely in my pocket, only to be pulled out as I wanted to capture images to something more than my minds eye.

Images speak to us in ways that words don't. It is becoming clear to me that I am drawn to images. They bring me into the moment, they speak to a part of who I am that doesn't always have language. So often I tell myself that I need to know the answer. At times when I prepare to teach or preach, I must think. Perhaps if I think hard enough, read enough, study enough, I will know what to say, I will know....... Yet, today I am wondering if that often gets in our way. If what God calls us to do is to watch, to listen, to stay awake.

As I wandered down the path I saw trees down, rocks hugging the edge of the lake, mud that was peeking up through some of the ice. As I wandered, I watched, I listened to the quiet, I was awake. When I approached the bridge I heard rustling, down to my right were many ducks. They were playing in the water. Playing in the water. Before I knew it I was smiling, I wanted pictures of their joy, I wanted to remember.

We walk this ice covered path, one step at a time. We walk this ice covered path prepared for the journey. We walk this ice covered path awake, aware and alert. But best of all, we are blessed beyond our wildest imaginings to be in this moment, in this time, to know God.

What does your frozen path look like? God knows of those broken and frozen places within each of us. On this day, sit in a warm, safe place. Give thanks for the many footprints in your life.


  1. thank you! Yes, I give thanks for the footprints in my life and I want to look & listen. --Jan

  2. I heard about a priest who had work hard to prepare a wonderful sermon. It was a beautiful spring day and the decon went up to the priest and said "It is such a beautiful day that some of the parishioners have asked me to request that you keep the sermon short so that they can enjoy the day." The priest thought about the time and work he had put in, but when the time came he looked at his sermon then at the parishioners and said one word. That word was Love. They went forth and spread love that day among everyone they met.---Julie
